Retirement CEnter
Retirement should be a very special time of life. Attention turns from managing a career or a business to structuring a purposeful life without the cares and concerns of daily demands. Family, often an extended one, comes into sharper focus. Financially, this period often represents an inflection point; that is, the emphasis shifts from accumulating wealth to preserving and eventually distributing it. At this stage of life, the question many people have is: will it last?
Stages of Retirement
Typically occurs up to five years prior to retirement.
Characterized by enthusiasm, relief and a sense of independence.
The honeymoon is over. Is this all there is?
Adapting to the reality of retirement and discovering what brings meaning to your life.
Pursuing your passions, personal growth, giving back and having fun.
To prevent the American dream from turning into the American nightmare, very insightful and thorough planning is necessary. When approaching retirement, know that Citizens Bank & Trust is here to help make sure you're prepared.

First Vice President,
Chief Investment Officer, CFA
Easy Access
Our Mobile Banking Services provide 24/7 access to your Citizens Bank & Trust accounts through your tablet or smartphone. This gives you the ability to conveniently pay your bills, check your balances, make transfers, deposit checks and much more while on the go.