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Lakeland Chamber Political Hob Nob

2018 Lakeland Chamber Political Hob Nob

Date: August 14, 2018

Time: 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT

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Event Description:

The biggest event of the political season, the Political Hob Nob, held every two years during elections, provides an occasion to meet and greet local, state and federal candidates and learn their views on the year’s hot topics. The Lakeland Chamber hopes to increase awareness of and participation in the elections process, including opportunities to hear from candidates and speak with them at their respective booths, vote in the straw poll administered by the Polk County Supervisor of Elections (with results announced that evening at the close of the event), and, of course, enjoy food, beverages, and good company! This event is a favorite of candidates looking to connect directly with constituents. Audience Attending: Elected Officials, Candidates for Public Office and Representatives for Policy Issues, Board of Directors, Community Leaders.


Rocking H Ranch
2200 Ewell Rd
Lakeland, FL  33811